This summer, Opera in the Pines will stage the Maine premiere of “The Diary of Anne Frank,” a poignant operatic adaptation of Anne’s iconic written account of hiding from the Nazis. Timely and moving, this production promises to bring the dangers of prejudice to life through soaring music and theater.
Composer Joel Puckett and librettist Eric Simonson translated Anne’s vivid first-person narrative into an evocative chamber opera emphasizing hope amidst hardship. Soprano Mary Beth Nelson takes on the demanding role of Anne, with a talented ensemble cast portraying the families in hiding.
Director Robin Singh envisions an intimate, imaginative production accentuating the opera’s emotional potency. Innovative visuals and compelling performances will lend new dimension to Anne’s experience and enduring legacy.
Don’t miss the rare opportunity to experience this poignant operatic premiere honoring one of history’s most famous accounts of human resilience. “The Diary of Anne Frank” comes to Opera in the Pines this July and August.