This November, the Belfast-based theater company The Originals presents the Maine premiere of Jeffrey Hatcher’s offbeat coming-of-age comedy “Mrs. Mannerly.” Directed by Janet Mitchko, this production follows a misfit boy’s enrollment in a strict etiquette class, leading to hilarious conflict with his demanding instructor.
A former student of the real-life etiquette teacher Mrs. Mannerly, playwright Jeffrey Hatcher infuses his script with wit, humor, and heart. The Originals’ talented cast brings to life the endearing characters and absurdity of learning rigid manners in 1960s small-town America.
Set in a meticulously recreated etiquette classroom, “Mrs. Mannerly” serves up laughs while exploring themes of conformity, compassion, and being true to oneself. DON’T miss the humorous hijinks when this quirky theatrical comedy comes to the Belfast Maskers Waterfront Theater November 4-21.